

Original price was: $259.00.Current price is: $200.00.

His bees then gorge themselves on the nectar and produce a dark honey that is often compared with Manuka, because of its high activity level.

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This is the most demanding and world’s high rated mono-floral honey due to its specific taste and numerous health benefits as a natural medicine. The export quality organic Sidr Honey is slightly costly as compared to the processed or treated varieties that have been heated up and easily accessible.

According to Ayurveda, honey from the forests is considered to have the maximum healing properties. According to modern researchers, dark honey from the forests contains the maximum antioxidants in it. Wild Honey from Honey & Spice fits both these descriptions and is a definite healing superfood.


  • 100% Pure And Natural
  • Best Quality And Taste
  • The product is rated as the best honey in the world
  • Harvested from the forests of Bashkortostan Russia
  • The rare European Burzyan black bee species is protected at the national level
  • Honey is collected by bees
  • Aromas of flowers and herbs, especially linden flowers

The tribals who collect this honey are trained in sustainable harvesting by the World Wide Fund for Nature and government departments. Sustainable wild honey harvest involves cutting out the honeycomb from the beehive without killing or harming the bees.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

2*500gms, 250gms, 500gms


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